Australasian Horse Sales. Aussie & Kiwi horse lovers, YOU save money with Free classified advertising for all your needs. Yes, picture ads are FREE. Sell your horses, horse related services and items to Australia and New Zealand.

Location: Bororen, Queensland, Australia

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Birthing Clues

Birthing Clues

There is no set timetable, however the mare does give usa few clues that let us know that the arrival is near. Milk fills the mare's udder approximately 2-4 weeks andthe teat become engorged 4-6 days prior to the event. The tail head may become more prominent within a few days of the foaling event and the vulva and croup muscles seemed more relaxed.

Within 1 to 4 days the teats may or may not 'wax over'. Colostrum (yellow, honey colored secretion) usually appears1-4 days prior to birth of the foal. The udders may actually drip several days before foaling so keep a close eye on your mare if you want to be present at foaling time.

As the time gets nearer the mare becomes restless and may appear anxious. She may also appear to be colicky as she getsup and lie's down frequently. The mare may bite at her flanks,and will become very sweaty. She will appear to raise her tailand urinate often, this is usually the first stages of labor.

The birth is eminent!

Colic may still be a possibility and if her behavior is prolonged for more than 1-2 hours and no foaling has begun,contact you veterinarian immediately for his/ her advice. More often than not everything goes as planned with nothing to fear, remember this, horses have been giving birth longbefore we ever arrived on the scene. So take a breath, relax and happy foaling!

New Changes


Well it has been a while, and we have had some changes that I thought that I would let you know about.

We have added a $2.00 ad that allows a picture and runs for 60 days.

HINT. During the breeding season advertise 5 horses for the same price as 1 yearlong ad.

We have added some articles. They are selling online and dentistry. The links are found down the left hand side under Help files.

The links are

We are looking for many more articles to ad. If you look at the dental one you will see that all the links to their site are there. We offer the same for you.

If you have a product, stud or information then write an article and we will post it. No charge. A great chance to advertise your product etc. for nothing. It will have it’s own page, that has the same colours etc as our other pages.

Let me challenge you. There must be something that you know about.
Best type of fencing to use and why.
Advantages of the western saddle.
Is natural horsemanship the best way to train and why.
Best to breed so foals are born before the big rains or after. Ok, we are in Queensland.
If you are into any of these fields then pass on the info, or at least enough to get others interested enough to go to your site.

We will fit it to a web page and let you look at it before we make it live.

We only ask for an extra link back to our home page, at the bottom of the article.

And we would like a link to us on your links page. But that is up to you.

We have been posting other hints and articles on the following blogs.

Please make comments so we know if you got some value or not.

We are looking at including a video section soon.

We have added a search engine at the bottom of the home page for you to use.


p.s. If you have a friend that places a paid ad at the same time as you, e-mail us at and let us know and we will organize that you will get your ad for free.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tip 2

What do you do if your horses throw a fit with the bit?

When normally, well tempered horses start throwing a fit when trying to insert a bit, there is usually a good reason. First consider the horses teeth.

Is it possible that you are bumping his / her teeth with the bit as you are trying to bridle him / her?

If this is not the case, then maybe it is time to have your horses teeth checked by a veterinarian. Most farriers will be able to do this for you as well.

There are just to many reasons that may cause your horses teeth to hurt and that will result in his / her head tossing and a 'hissy'fit.

Your horse may need to have his/ her teeth floated as there may be uneven spots or hooks on the surface of the teeth which is quite painful. 'Floating' the teeth is a relatively simple procedure.

A dental checkup is a part of good horses care and should be done at least once a year as part of the horses yearly check-up.
This and other tips will be posted at here and at in the weeks to come

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hay Really is for Horses

This is an example of the type of article that we will be linking to in the weeks to come.

As you well know horses are herbivores and foragers by nature. Horses eat grasses, herbs and other foraged plantsas a primary source of their daily nutrition. Horses raisedin the wilds do not have access to all the feed supplementsour domestic friends have today.

A content horse is a horse that if allowed to graze 24-7. This is not always possible for our horses, so we have many supplements to help them meet their nutritional needs. One way that we can meet their need to chew (this is very important) and their nutritional needs is quite simple, really.

Feed them a high quality hay on a regular basis! Hays vary in nutritional value and in different areas of the country, so you need to do a little research on the subject in your area.

When purchasing hay for your horse you must take into consideration; energy (equine digestible energy), this reflects how much energy the hay has and how much energy the horse can digest and use. Don't forget about digestible fiber in the hay equation; this is necessary for proper functioning ofthe horse's digestive system.

Alfalfa contains a high percentage of protein (16)-(18%). Grass hays (timothy, bromegrass, and orchard grass) althoughlower in protein (5)-(12%) generally meet the protein requirements for the mature horse. Young horses need more protein for growth but you may need to add more protein to their diet by either protein supplements or soybean meal which has (48%)protein.

On the other hand, too much protein may cause founder and/ orLaminitis, so do your homework. If you are unsure of the nutritional requirements for your horse ask you veterinary for assistance in setting up a good nutritional regime foryour horse.

Hope that you have got something out of this.

Don Thompson

Sunday, October 08, 2006

First of many tips

Over the next few months I will be posting tips on a number of different horse tips.

Here is the first on

Dealing with a herd bound horse.

If your horse is herd bound and gets stressed out whenever you try to separate him/ her from the herd the best thing you can do is gradually wean the horse from the herd.

This is very similar to weaning a foal. Start slowly by taking the horse a short distance from your other horses for short periods of time.

Each time lengthening the time and distance. Soon you will be able to go on short rides with no problems.

Just keep in mind that slow training is training that will be remembered in good ways by your horse.

Don Thompson

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

2 new links

We have 2 new links on

They are both down the left hand side of the site in the help files area. They are both articles with more coming.

Have a look at the dentistry one. You could have an article posted, with links to you, just like that. They are free, and a good way to advertise your site.

The only thing that we insist on is that there be some information in the body of the article. If it is just an advertisement then it will not be posted.

The first is Dentistry and that will take you to

The second is selling online, and that will take you to

Feel free to have a look, and please put comments into the comments area of our blog, that has the same post as this.

Don Thompson

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hi again

The post that you are about to read can also be seen at

The site is located at

Here are the first few paragraphs. Even thou we have speciallised in Horse sales in Australia, the information is suitable for anyone anywhere.

Don Thompson

Horse Sales Online In Australia- Selling A Horse

Selling A Horse Online

This advise is aimed primarily at people wanting to sell their horse online, however the information suits any medium be it a poster on the local shop window to an advertisement in a magazine. But as I said I will be mainly talking online sales.

Most will have a number of options, pictures and number of characters at different costs. Pick the option that best suits your budget. This might be determined by the value you have put on the horse, the number of people you expect to see the advertisement, and how quickly you want to sell the horse.

I am going to skip over the wording that you use as most sites, us included, have limits on the number of words that you can use. Having said that there are a few things that you should include.

One thing that people sometimes miss out is their contact details. That would be a wasted advertisement. On our site we discourage the use of contact details in the ads. We have a contact the seller box under the ad. This way a potential buyer can contact you for more information but e-mail address harvesters do not get your e-mail address to send you spam.

If you are allowed to have 100 characters in the text of your add remember it is not the same as 100 letters. Try not go over the 100 characters, as the operator of the site will/could restrict you to 100 characters.

In most cases they will just cut off everything after the 100 characters. That is where most people have their contact details, so make sure your advertisement conforms to their restrictions.

You can check how many characters you are using by putting the advertisement in a word document, selecting tools, and then word count. That will detail the number of words as well as the number of characters.

It is our experience that advertisements with pictures sell much better than advertisements without pictures.

However, before I chat about pictures, a bit more about the wording of your advertisement.
Use upper and lower case letters. Do not just use only capital letters. It is harder to read and it's like you are shouting at the potential buyer, and most don't like being shouted at.

You can see the rest of the artical, including how to take the best pictures of your horse. we even include sample pictures of horses.

Good luck selling your horse.