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Location: Bororen, Queensland, Australia

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tip, the bit

What do you do if your horse throws a fit with the bit?

When a normally, well tempered horse starts throwing a fit when trying to insert a bit, there is usually a good reason.

I would first consider the horse's teeth. Is it possible that you are bumping her teeth with the bit as you are trying tobridle him/ her? If this is not the case, then I would recommend having your horse's teeth checked by a veterinarian.

There are as many reasons that may cause your horses teeth to hurt and this will result in head tossing and a 'hissy'fit.

Your horse may need to have his/ her teeth floated as there may be uneven spots or hooks on the surface of the teethwhich is quite painful.

'Floating' the teeth is a relatively simple procedure.

A dental checkup is a part of good horse care and should be done at least once a year as part of the horse's yearly check-up.

If you have any stories please pass them on. email me at

Don Thompson


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